Your Choice: Choose to live in Military housing, Rent or BUY YOUR OWN HOME.

A true story with a tragic ending…

Why Dean is so passionate and determined to talk with you…
With nothing more than desire in his heart and his entitlement to a zero down VA loan, Dean bought his first home when he was an E-4. He knew when he bought it that it wouldn’t be his last. It would simply enable him to keep up with the rise in home prices so as his family grew bigger, his home could too. By the time he was 41 years old, Dean had retired from the Navy and was living in his fourth move-up home.
Dean had a mentor when he was an E-4. His mentor tried to discourage Dean from buying his first home. He insisted Dean was getting in way over his head and he should just rent a house in Mira Mesa (like him) so he doesn’t have to worry about selling it if he is transferred out of the area.
The mentor retired in 2013 with 30 years. At the time of his retirement he was still renting the same house in Mira Mesa. His rent was now 2,350/mo. instead of the $750 it used to be 1987. The house had also appreciated more than 400%. He had lived in the house more than 27 years. It turns out— he actually did buy a house and didn’t even know it. He just bought it for someone other than his own family.
Ironically, the mentor was concerned about a future move, so he didn’t buy a house. Dean wasn’t concerned about a future move, so he did buy a house and ultimately ended up with a beautiful home by the time he retired.

The moral of the story is: sooner or later everyone will buy a house, you just need to take control of who you are buying it for!


NAM Award with Hardy

Sellers: Protect yourself and Your Home!

front of door

Never allow random house-hunters into your home unescorted. A serious buyer will be working with a real estate professional or should be willing to contact your agent to schedule an appointment. Also, always lock your valuables away before an open house – the agent onsite will be monitoring traffic, but it’s impossible to be everywhere at all times